Nofollow on IIS
Recently I was working on a site that NEEDED to be internet facing during development. VPNs, Firewalls, Corporate overlords. You get the gist.. Anyway... if you even end up in a situation like that, [...]
My hitlist for stuff to do in Puerto Rico
So now that I'm on year 4 of my 3 month vacation to Puerto Rico, I've had a ton of friends visit and even more curious people asking me about what to do on [...]

What countries can you go to with a Jamaican pasport
For quite a while I've had a Jamaican passport. Having a US Resident Card (green card) is great for living and working in the United Sates but you're quickly reminded your are still Jamaican [...]

I just went the doctor… On my phone!
So I'm finally back in my happy place. This little island called Puerto Rico (it's surrounded by water apparently). But there's a problem. My doctor (cardiologist to be specific) is MIA like the other 6% [...]
The birth of plurtopia
#currentsituation Ocean Park - Puerto Rico Ever since I've remembered myself, I have always been a massive fan of Electronic music. Sure I'm also a massive fan of dancehall and Reggae but that doesn't take [...]